Things have finally settled down 5 days into the start of this new year. Well, as settled down as they can be for this wife and mother of four, five if you count the four-legged wonder :))) I have had some things I've wanted to write stirring within me for a few days and now I am able to release them into the universe. As the New Year came to a start I read Jeremiah 29:11 on someone's facebook post. "For I know the plans I have for you, 'declares the Lord,' plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope." (NASB) Shortly, after reading my friend's post I read my devotion which had Jeremiah 29:11 as the foundational scripture.Then after reading the scriptures in these two places I came across it 3 more times in a span of 3 days. I think God is trying to tell me something!
What makes this all the more poignant is that as a senior at a private Christian High School we had to have a verse that would serve as our motto throughout our final year. I'll give you one guess, what do you think it was? Jeremiah 29:11, you got it! So, this scripture has deep and personal meaning as it has lead my way for the past 18 years. I must admit that for a great many years the only movement this scripture caused for me was a smile every time I came across it. Now, I am able to since the urgency in the message. Is it because God has been delayed, no; it is because I have been delayed in walking in purpose. Purpose has been one of those things that has alluded me for quite some time. Mainly due to the fact that instead of finding purpose in whatever situation or state that I was currently in I fixed my gaze on the fact that there had to be more than what currently was. As I continue to walk with God I have come to realize that in this Christian walk we may find ourselves in situations or seasons that we don't want to be in-but we have to trust that we are where we are meant to me.
"There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven." Eccl 3:1 God knows what He is doing. He has it all planned out. He will take care of you and give you the future and hope that He has designed just for you. Our purpose in life is to serve God; to fill our cups with the love, grace, mercy and power that He pours, the living water of Christ.
Reluctant Optimist defined as-"clinging to hope despite what you see or feel" LRP
Thursday, January 5, 2012
The Principal Thing
"If I remain relatively unknown and the world never acknowledges the things that I've done, may I be known in heaven for these kids...

I have often been described as a person of varying extremes-shifting between black and white with very little shades of grey. I don’t beli...
In reading came across this, “we must become conscious of our desires and articulate them, and prioritize them, and arrange them into hier...
"If I remain relatively unknown and the world never acknowledges the things that I've done, may I be known in heaven for these kids...