I am constantly amazed at the revelation that continues to be discovered in God’s Word. Lately my attention has been drawn to that of creation as relating to humankind and wanted to share some insight integral to understanding God’s natural intent and design for us all. In Genesis 2:7 we see that Adam (man) is formed. Formed-“bring together parts or combine to create, bring into existence.” On the other hand the Isha (woman) was made. Made-“bring into certain form-to cause to be or become.” After the creation of Adam-Elohim (The Lord) declared that it was not good for man to be alone. However, not only was Adam alone, he was “AL-ONE.” The creation of humankind came about through the creation of Adam. After mankind was brought into existence the Lord separated man (humankind) into male and female!
The Lord caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam. Most of today’s translations read “then He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at that place.”(Genesis 2:21) However, the original word used in this context is “tsela or tzela” which means side-side chambers or cells. It has been postulated that what was actually taken from Adam was DNA-which is the framework of life and contains the instructions an organism needs to develop, live and reproduce. It is possible that rib was used allegorically as ribs are necessary not only for the protection of vital organs and assistance in breathing, but they also serve as much needed support for the body. They are the framework onto which the muscles of the chest, back, upper abdomen and shoulder girdle attach. Let’s just say you couldn’t live without them!
What God did with Adam is to remove the portion of him which would later serve as the framework for which the female would come to be. Why the male first? Seed reproduces after its own kind (Genesis 1:11 & 1:25) Males are the producers of seed and women are the bearers/carriers of that seed-woman-meaning “womb man.” What is further interesting is the name for husband-man and woman-wife in the Hebrew language.
Husband-man is represented by Aleph Yod Shin with woman-wife represented by Aleph Shin Heh (Hey). These two names are separated by Yod and Heh (Hey) In looking at what remains-Aleph Shin we learn this means fire-fire. This fire within both male and female can represent passions, desires, etc. These passions and desires can burn uncontrollably if not kept in check. When we look at what was removed, Yod Heh (Hey)-(YH) we come to discover that this is actually the abbreviated form of the Lord’s divine name-YHWH. What is so amazing about God is that He inserted Himself into both the male and female! He is the source that if submitted to Him, controls the fire, so that it does not burn uncontrollably.
After the woman was made the scripture reads, “For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.” In Genesis 1:26 we read that man was created in the image and likeness of God. But, remember after man was created-God separated them into male and female. Oh, here is the best part! It is when man and woman are joined together through (marriage), becoming one flesh, that they reveal the image and likeness of God! It is the act of marriage that brings back together what was once separated!
Why this long message? Because we need to understand the importance of marriage and to recognize Satan’s assault and calculated attack on the institution of it. Remember Satan hates anything that represents God and this act puts the fullness of God’s image and likeness on display.